June 09, 2009

Here's a problem that's six feet tall
More trouble then you could dream of
The camourflage of empty lies
Hides the truth from pryng eyes

But it's too late for you, your caught in her storm
Now sit back and watch the trouble she'll cause
And she doesnt care for the end result
This is just a game, winner takes all

yay for print making

and bond crete

why does our imagination like to play tricks on us? make us believe something that isnt real, like when you smile at someone you know from across the room and all they do is look away. you get told that they dont what to talk to you, or they are ignoring you. but maybe you walked away before they could do anything. maybe its not our imagination thats playing tricks on us, could it be that we see what we want to see and believe? but isnt that our imagination working anyway?

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